Hier geben wir Ihnen hilfreiche Tips zum Englisch lernen und verraten die besten Tricks. Unbedingt vorbei schauen!

5 ways to take your english to go, new blog post, english-to-go.info

5 Ways to Take Your English-To-Go

5 Ways to Take Your English-To-Go Did you know there are effortless ways to practice English anywhere and anytime? Here are 5 super easy ways to take your English to go.  But first, what does it mean to take something to go?  If you’ve…
is the passive voice bad writing? new blog post, english-to-go.info, photo of a woman writing in a notebook
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Is the Passive Voice bad writing?

If you’ve read that the passive voice is “bad writing,” you’ve been misled.  In fact, there are many times when it is an essential requirement for “good writing,” for example, in academic work. But, there are certain dos and…
Labor Day in the USA: What Non-Americans Need to Know, New Blog Post from english-to-go.info

Labor Day in the USA: What Non-Americans Need to Know

Labor Day is today! What is Labor Day, and what do non-Americans need to know about it?  This article will explore everything non-Americans should know about Labor Day in the USA.  Labor Day is an annual celebration of American workers…
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Back to the Start: How Native English Speakers Talk About Starting Things

They say the secret to getting ahead is getting started, but how will people know you’re getting ahead if you don’t tell them what you’re starting?  Native English speakers use a lot of nuanced and elaborate expressions and idioms…

Understanding Business Idioms

Tricky as they may be, understanding idioms is an essential skill for anyone doing business in English, because they are commonly used throughout the business world. Now don’t think that after reading this blog post you’ll be able to understand…

How to say ’no’…without being rude!

I'd like you to take a second and think about this: how many times a day do people ask you to do something (at work, at home, at your kid's school....)??. I'll give you some examples: One of your colleagues has just asked…

How to learn English when you’re stuck at home

One thing people always tell you to do when learning a language is ''go out and talk to people''! Now, this is not always easy under normal circumstances (where do I find the time and/or native speakers to talk to??), but the current Corona…

Typical German Mistakes

(scroll down for a short list of vocab from this post!) This week, we thought we’d spend some time on common mistakes that we often hear in our classroom – don’t feel bad, you’re definitely not the only one who makes them – hence…

(Not) Having things in common

Making small talk is always a dreaded topic for many language learners. Going up to (semi-)strangers and making conversation can be daunting in your native language, let alone in a foreign one. In a previous post, we’ve already given you some…

On New Year’s Resolutions and how to achieve them

It’s that time of year again: we’ve all eaten (and drunk) a bit too much at Christmas, spent too much money on presents and our last trip to the gym was…well, a long time ago. December and all its festivities simply tend to get in the…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…:)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…! All over the world, Christmas is a time to exchange presents, be with family and loved ones, eat good food and have fun. It also means a lot of new English vocabulary, some of which is only used…

Tips & tricks for making small talk!

Whether you’re networking, meeting with a customer or simply talking to a colleague at your company’s Christmas party, being able to make small talk is a crucial skill to master - for your professional and personal life! However, we’re…

How to get your brain to think faster in English

A question that I (and every other English trainer) often get is ‘’how can I learn to think faster in English? When I’m speaking, the words just don’t come to me fast enough!’’ If only we could just implant a chip in our brain…

English job interviews – a survival guide!

So you’ve applied for a new job and landed yourself an interview – fantastic, congratulations! For an hour or so you feel great, but then…panic strikes. How am I going to get through this?? Job interviews…we all have some sort of…

A little progress each day adds up to big results

….is the quote which I posted on our Facebook page earlier this week and which gave me inspiration for this week’s blog post! I will be the first person to admit that learning a foreign language is a DAUNTING task. As a person who has…

Can watching TV in English really help me?

When it’s finally time to wind down after a long day at the office, you probably want nothing else than to sit yourself down on your couch with a [cup of tea / glass of wine / your drink of choice] and RELAX! Now, I understand that watching…

Ask politely, please!

Can I have Friday off? What’s wrong with this sentence? Technically (grammatically) speaking, nothing at all! However, if you were to ask your English-speaking boss this question, chances are you won’t get the day off! Why not? To a…

To test or not to test…that is the question!

Some of you may be lucky enough to be learning English just for fun or personal development, without any pressure or deadline. However, one of the more common, less fun reasons for studying English is exam preparation: many companies, governments…


The verbs do and make can be confusing in English, especially for German learners as both verbs usually translate as machen. English uses both make and do for machen, so as a German speaker you’ll have to choose! For example, you can say: do…

English pronunciation and how it makes your head explode!

If you’ve ever tried to get your head around English pronunciation rules, you know that it can be terribly frustrating! First of all, there are some very ‘’challenging’’ (some would say impossible!) sounds (the th sound, for example).…
the bees knees

My favourite english idiom

Was bedeutet bees knees auf Deutsch?
different or other?

Different or other?

Wie schreibt mann andere auf englisch?
one coffee to go please
Himmel auf englisch, sky oder heaven

Der Himmel oder der Himmel? The sky or heaven?

Wann benutze ich "sky" und wann "heaven" als Übersetzung für den "Himmel"?
at or with your grandmother

Bei ≠ by

Wie schreibt man "Bei der Oma" auf englisch? Benutzt man "by" oder "at"?
englisch lernen - oder?

Du kannst schwimmen, oder?

Wie benutzt man "oder" in Fragestellungen auf englisch?

Year or years?

Describing someone by their age is always tricky, should I write year-old or years-old?
Interested in something

Denglish to english in easy steps

How do you talk about your interests in english?
they discussed the weather for hours

Discuss or discuss about?

Discussing and talking are two things we do often, find out how to use these verbs correctly.
Difference between Die Note and a note

About exams and notes

Have you just finished your exams? Are you waiting for the results? Have a look at this grammar post about a common mistake.

More english learning apps

Practise english with an app. We check out Memrise, Reverso Context and the British Council's Learn English Grammar app.

Learning english | Find the right word at the right time

German speakers often mix up the words before and ago. Learn how to get it right!

Englisch lernen mit App

Learn english with an app. Find out how they can help you and how they work.

Denglish to english in easy steps

Tell me which one is correct. They came to the office yesterday or they came yesterday to the office?